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On this page you will find a list of my in person events - my retreats, grid work gatherings etc.

If you are looking for any of my online work - go to my Activations page



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Mind Body Spirit Festival
15th November 2024

Activate your Diamond Light Body With Quartz


I have been asked to speak at Mind Body Spirit Festival in Birmingham UK. You can come and listen to me on Friday, 15th November.


The talk will be about 'Awakening your cellular memory and remembering the healing energies of Lemuria.' You can use the discount code of NEC30. This will give you 30% discount (£12.43 for a day ticket)


I am excited to connect with you in person and what I know will be a fantastic festival.​



Sedona - Diamond Grid Worker Gathering
7th February 2025 

I am calling together a powerful group of kindred souls who are here to anchor and amplify unity codes this ascension cycle, the lightworkers, healers, teachers and guides. If you have done my courses and events and want to meet sisters and brothers.


Investment: £88

Phoenix  - Hand Mining Obsidian
9th February 2025 

I am offering this one of a kind, unique experience- hand digging for Apaches tear Obsidian, at
the Perlite mines in Phoenix, Arizona.
We will hike (very gentle) to the Perline mines, whilst connecting and being guided into the grids
and ancestral energy there.


Investment: £111

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Glastonbury, England
September 2025

More information to follow.



Past Retreat reviews

This weekend taught me what exchange really is. The act of giving and receiving from a place of absolute unconditional love. This weekend taight me the meaning of sisterhood, safety, rawness, widom, vulnerability and the art of surrender. The permission to be and own all parts of me. This weekend had me in tears. Tears of joy, tears of great release. This weekend allowed me to release ancient sadness and reconnect with wisdom my soul hadnt been connected to for so long. Most of all this weekend brought together an incredibly circle of sisters, a reuniting of women. I can''t begin to express the gratitude and unconditional love I have for this group and Katie-Jane. We laughed together, we cried together, danced together and created rainbows together. A reclamation of wisdom. Pure magic. I am in utter awe and my heart is so full.


Shelley - Avalon Retreat 2022

WOW, what an unbelievably amazing weekend! It is hard to put my experience into words. I feel eternally grateful to have been on this journey and have met all these powerful women. During the weekend I turned to one of my soul sisters and said 'I genuine think that was one of the best experiences of my life, I feel in awe of the power women hold, it was truly beautiful', as I watched and helped these women release trauma that has been stored in their bodies. The sheer magic weaved throughout the whole weekend is something I will never forget. The love I feel in my heart for Katie-Jane radiates my body as I write this, I am in awe of the power she holds, the magic she shares and the love she commits to everything she does. The crystals, the food, the energy, the malas, the music, the love thank you thank you thank you. Thank you so much Katie-Jane, you have helped us more than you will know. I am forever grateful, and cannot wait for the next one. Love you! xxx

Zoe - Avalon Retreat 2022

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