- 277£Every monthValid for 3 months
Crystalline Womb Course
Course sign up is now closed
What are you recieving?
Crystals that will support you on this course. including their postage. On sign up you will be asked for your address.
The course structure will be a mixture of live and prerecorded formats. All lives will be done via Zoom. All the information that you need will be sent to you in time for the first live call on 13th March at 7pm GMT. **Please note that we change from GMT to BST on Sunday, 31st March 2024
Each weekly module will include receiving an activation, wisdom and guided journey work. We will be weaving in the crystals, sound and angelic/light language.
You will receive the Angelic seals of light (light codes) for protection of your being, space, home and land.
You will have unlimited access to these videos to continue to work through as a healing that GROWS WITH YOU. You can therefore do these activations and meditations over and over and each time you will receive something that assists where you are at that time on your journey.
Please reach out to us at hello@andcrystals.com if you have any questions about the payment.